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Dwight Yorke Sohn

Dwight Yorke's Jet-set Life After Abandoning Son Harvey Price

Katie Price Speaks Out

Katie Price has shared her heartbreak after Dwight Yorke told her he had disowned their son Harvey Price. The former glamour model revealed that Yorke has refused to see Harvey despite her mother's pleas.

Yorke's Jet-set Lifestyle

While Harvey struggles with complex health needs, Yorke has been living a life of luxury. He has been spotted partying in exclusive nightclubs, traveling to exotic destinations, and enjoying the high life.

Katie's revelations have sparked outrage among fans, who have condemned Yorke's actions. Many have questioned how he can justify his extravagant lifestyle while neglecting his responsibilities as a father.

A Lasting Impression

Yorke's decision to abandon Harvey has left a devastating impact on Katie and her family. It is a stark reminder of the pain that can be caused by absent parents. It also raises questions about the role of fathers in children's lives and the importance of parental responsibility.

As Katie and Harvey continue to face challenges, Yorke's actions serve as a chilling reminder of the consequences of turning a blind eye to one's own flesh and blood.
